Monday, April 20, 2009

Ground Hog fight

On Monday night during a wet and rainy run Pepe', Willow and Ziggy got a ground hog. It may be more appropriate to say that the Ground Hog got Pepe' because it was latched onto his nose and Ziggy was pulling on the tail and Willow had a leg. They had the thing stretched out like a bear carpet. No, they did not kill it. Thanks to my friend Laura I did not even have to make a trip to the vet this time. She got me some antibiotics for Pepe' and I cleaned out all his wounds and he is as good as new. I do think I should rename him Scar but he does not respond to that. This picture is of Willow and Pepe' snoozing after the big attack and bath to rid them both of all the blood. Poor Pepe' had quite the bloody nose after their encounter. Never a dull moment with the dogs.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Poor little puppy. He got the wrong end of the ground hog I guess!