Thursday, August 28, 2008

5 Turtle Run (1 Turtle per mile)

It finally rained here on Tuesday! I was so happy to see rain that I could not wait to take the dogs out for a run in it. They too were thrilled to find pig puddles to splash in and to be able to stay cool. Normally our summer runs have been limited to only 3 miles because of the heat but on Tuesday we pushed the limit and ran 5 together. Duke might have set a turtle record on this run of finding at least 1 turtle per mile. It really is an amazing ability he has to be able to sniff them out. He gently picks them up, presents them to me and then lets me take them out of his mouth and place them safely back in the grass. After giving me the turtle he never goes back for it again but instead intently begins "hunting" the next one. After 4 miles and 4 turtles I was actually rooting for Duke to find at least 1 more to set his record. He did! It was a great wet run even if the pace was 1 turtle per mile.

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